#TempoYouTube: Recreating Pep G’s Inverted Wing Back tactic in #FM17


Well, the welcome video was only that. A welcome video. Now we are getting down to the real stuff.

@DistanceCovered wrote a fine piece on Pep G’s Manchester City tactic that has led City to, er, maybe 3rd place in the Premier League this season. But we know some of you fine folk like a bit of video so we’ve done one of them too.

Oh, you can download the tactic too, if you watch the vid. Bribery, eh?


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Thank you.

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Old timer when it comes to all things Championship Manager and Football Manager. It all started in 1992 and I managed to get myself clean by 2001. Then it all started again with FM15... Author of "Johnny Cooper, Championship Manager" - available on Amazon - and contributor to The Men Who Stare At Goals Oh, and I was that guy in the "We Are The Managers" video. Viva Espana!