After the last year success, we decided to make the Tempo Skin for Football Manager 2018 again. It took some time but we made it.
Same as last year we (Chris Darwen and I) were 100% sure it does not have to be a complicated skin. I kept the basics from the last year skin but there are also some improvements and some new things. The skin is with the Instant Result button made by Wannachupbrew.
The main features of the skin:
Player Overview
Player Attributes
Player Comparison
Club Overview
If you click to the arrow in the right corner there is a widget called „widg“ and if you select this your kits will be shown on this screen.
Stadium Overview
Dynamics Hierarchy Overview
The pyramid section size was increased.
Colored Fixtures – Friendly & Cup matches
If you would like to delete these colors just go to the „C:\Users\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins\The FM18 Tempo Skin\graphics\tables\custom\fixtures“ and delete the folder you don’t want in the game. You can also change the color, just open picture „row“ in the Gimp or Photoshop and change the color and save it.
Primary (Club, Nation & Competition) logo added to the sidebar & Caps Font removed & Added logo to the background
If you want back the Caps Font just go to the „C:\Users\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins\The FM18 Tempo Skin\fonts“, open file called „title“ and insert this <string id=”capitalisation” value=”upper case” /> between the paragraphs.
If you want to get rid of the background logo in the middle, go to the skin folder/panels/client_object – open the file “client_object_browser.xml” and delete this section and save file. Same as with other changes just reload the skin.
<!– Logo –>
<widget class=”picture” id=”mnpV” image_alignment=”centre” scale_picture=”false” transparency=”0.6″>
<record id=”object_property”>
<integer id=”get_property” value=”mnpc” />
Team of the Week/Year pitch in news inbox size increased
Match In-Between Highlights – it works only when you start a new match, when you open already played a match there is the default view. You can adjust the width of the containers in game which allows you to more easily customize.
Match Review Screen Mods
Same as with Match In-Between Highlights huge thanks to Michael Murray for his work with this beautiful mod. You can see a lot of important information thanks to it during the half-time, full-time and if you open the previous match on your fixture screen.
How to install:
- If you’re in the game just quit to eliminate crashes or issue with the game.
- Download the .rar archive and unzip it.
- Move the extracted folder “The FM18 Tempo Skin” to your skins folder:
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2018/skins - Run Football Manager 2018 and go to Preferences > Interface.
- Choose “The FM18 Tempo Skin” and hit the confirm button.
Background picture
If you would like to use your own background picture instead of the default one just go to select your own picture and paste it to this folder “C:\Users\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\skins\The FM18 Tempo Skin\graphics\backgrounds” and name your picture default.
Then just go back to game, clear cache in preferences and reload skin.
UPDATE 23/11/2017
- Added default background image – the same as in the default FM18 skin
- Added Match Review Screen Mods
- Deleted the panel with adjusted league table = league table works correctly on Competition Review screen.
UPDATE 4/12/2017
- Added transparency to the mailbox
- Staff and human manager have bigger picture in their profile + staff profile added thanks to “Milla Skin”
UPDATE 28/1/2018
- Text under the stadium picture in Club Overview screen aligned
- Added more info to Tutoring Screen (many thanks to D_LO_ from SI Forum)
- A couple of small things improved
UPDATE 2/3/2018
- The official v18.3.0 update with ‘Winter Transfer Window’ data was released and we also updated our skin as some small interface issues were found. Logos in the half and full time review are in the right positions again after small change within the interface.
- Panels with edited “Competition review” were deleted as SI added times and scorers to matches so these panels are not needed now. The rest is the same but at least ponels in this screen will not be automatically resized.
I would like to thank Chris Darwen, Daniel Gear and Joao Penetra for the help with testing.
Special thanks go to Michael Murray who is the author of the Match In Between Highlights but his work and help around the SI Forum in the Skinning Hideout is absolutely invaluable.
Also thanks to „D_LO_“ for his help with start screen and for permission to use his Last starting XI“ panel on the Club Overview screen.
And the last thank you is for DF11 and their panels who are used in the Player Attributes and Player Comparison screens.
To download the ‘Tempo Skin FM18’ Football Manager 2018 skin we’d really appreciate a follow on @thehighertempo on Twitter.
But, as we cannot force you to do that you can also have the link here.