The different playing habits of FM players

man lying in bed asleep laptop still running playing game late into the night

We all know that FM is the best game in the world, and I say that with an absolute bias towards the game that has me hooked for decades.

The players may just be pixels on a screen, but they can evoke strong emotions, both positive and negative. Let’s face it: nobody likes being FM’ed in the 92nd minute of a game.

As players, most of us have uttered those immortal words to ourselves, ‘Just one more game!’ as we are hooked on our favourite football manager sim.

However, different players have different habits and rituals when it comes to playing the game. Here are a few that I have encountered:

The secret player

This player doesn’t like to admit to playing FM or keeps it a secret from their partner or their friends. For this group, FM is a guilty pleasure, often a skeleton in their closet.

They whip out their laptop when nobody else is around, and nobody would even suspect that they are an FM player. Maybe they are scared of being labelled a nerd.

Maybe these players are not out and proud about being FM’ers, but they should take pride in playing the game, as there is a big supportive community of players around the world.

On a side note, I have to admit I have been a secret FM player in the past, but only because I didn’t want my better half to know I was playing FM rather than doing chores around the house.

The lying in bed player

These are the players who like to relax while playing FM. In my younger years, I definitely enjoyed a bit of FM bed playing.

The reason for my love of playing in my bed was likely because I was a typical lazy teenager who enjoyed staying in bed rather than being active with my weekends.

As I grew older, though, I played more on my work desk. Although I still play on my bed occasionally, not as often as I used to.

It is undoubtedly a nice way to play, especially if you have a comfortable bed and mattress.

Back when I was a student my bed was worn out, now I have a superb Simba bed but life means I don’t have time to lie in it and play – sods law hey.  If you do have time to play FM in bed, though, I would recommend a good bed, not sure what is best then have a look at a guide to UK Bed Sizes.

The marathon FM player

While Youtubers and streamers seem to make a big issue out of them doing anything for long periods of time, the marathon FM player thinks nothing of playing the game for hours on end.

Once again, in my earlier years, before having a life, partner and kids, I used to spend my weekends wisely by virtually spending from Friday afternoon (after school/college) until Sunday night playing FM.

Occasionally, now, as a 40-something, when I get the time, which is very rarely, I will play a marathon game of FM. Unfortunately, for me now, a marathon game is five or six hours before I have to do something domestic.

Those dishes won’t do themselves; my budding goalkeeper of an 11-year-old can’t train for six hours on his own. You know that sort of thing.

How dare these things get in the way of guiding Everton to their 40th top-flight title and 20th Champions League triumph? You may think I am joking, but as an adult FM player, it’s hard to find the time to fit gameplay nowadays.

However, there have been stories of people with FM addictions so bad that their partners have left them. They chose FM over their partner, which, although admirable commitment to FM, is quite frankly crazy.

I love Football Manager, but unfortunately, my love does not extend to losing my family. These people need to have a reality check occasionally. As the saying goes, go outside and touch grass. You may enjoy it and come back with a renewed vigour for guiding Dorking Wanderers to Champions League glory.

The casual FM player

I am not sure how these people exist when it comes to FM. As somebody with an addictive personality, I find it hard to be a casual player of anything, really, let alone FM.

Although I may not be at the level of losing my family because of FM, I can’t understand how somebody can be a casual player of Football Manager.

My 11-year-old son, for instance, can play FM for a few hours, then leave the save and not come back to it for months, and just casually return to the game.

Now, occasionally, I will leave my long-term for a few weeks, but that’s not out of choice; it’s more a lack of time. He has all the time in the world, especially now during the school holidays, but he chooses to play other games. It’s madness!

However, my son being a casual is probably due to his age. I have read about people who are adult players who have the time but only casually play FM, and it seems so strange to me. I suppose it’s a case of each to their own when it comes to FM and life in general.

What are your FM habits, and how do they generally affect your life?