The Islanders XXI



Calm yourself, this is not another standard update on how things are going. Oh no. Following a chat with the Tempo writers in our Slack channel last night, I have been doing some thinking which has led to me garbling my thoughts down on “paper”. I admitted to the guys that The Islanders was becoming a bit of a slog, that it was losing some of its charm and the relationship was becoming a little stale.

“What? WHY??” some of you might be thinking rather loudly in your own heads. Well, this is typical me really. I enjoy the thrill of the chase in terms of taking said football club from the nether regions, but when it gets all big and shiny in the big leagues I start to get bored. I feel out of place. Hell, my West Ham save over on Moore Than Just a Club feels dirty enough as it is, let alone this J1 stuff. I also rarely end up having the patience for the three of four years it might take to break through and become the best club in Japan.


Predominantly, the lack of exciting ideas surrounding me for a new save has stopped me moving on overnight. I am going to try and be a leopard that changes his spots. I’ve done brilliant things in Japan so far, doing it my own way, but I must stick this out and take us on to the next level. The structure is in place. Despite my frustration at being slightly inconsistent at the start of season two we are in pretty good shape really. But, we need to freshen this relationship up. And quickly.

I alluded in my last update that I was considering a switch from the #ArgSt17 and doing something completely different at the end of the season. I might bring those plans forward. It might involve strikers. Something @fm_analysis and I have been working on for another site behind the scenes might make an early debut in Japan. We know the system works in England, we know the system works in Serie A, and if it is as close to the real life version as we think it is, we know it works in the Bundesliga. Whether I can make it work on the island though, that’s another matter – mainly because I need a couple of lads that can play up top.

So, rather than start allowing myself to start planning life away from the island, I am committing to it more than ever before. As I write, we sit in about 4th or 5th in the table I think (off the top of my head) and we are still in with a chance of progressing from League Cup group. There is no chance we will go down, but there is a chance that we might stand still a bit for a while, whilst we change our playing style over. These big boys are there for the taking, I can smell their fear. I just do not know whether they are cottoning on to the #ArgSt17 or the players are getting a little lazy within that system. One thing I haven’t done for ages, which I used to do every couple of years, was refresh the backroom team. Maybe that is slipping in.

So yeah, I think we are going to change it up. It won’t be goodbye to the #ArgSt17 for ever, but I think we are going to explore #TheNagelsmann in more detail…. Maybe even take it to the Max.

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Old timer when it comes to all things Championship Manager and Football Manager. It all started in 1992 and I managed to get myself clean by 2001. Then it all started again with FM15... Author of "Johnny Cooper, Championship Manager" - available on Amazon - and contributor to The Men Who Stare At Goals Oh, and I was that guy in the "We Are The Managers" video. Viva Espana!

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