#FM17 | Hapoel Hope 1.43 | Staying on, staying on, staying on


6 Dec 2016. Well, blow me down. Another occasion for an unscheduled blog post. The Hapoel Ashkelon FC board must have enjoyed our 5-1 defeat of Haifa because they’ve offered a new contract. I made a half-hearted and unsuccessful attempt to get them to extend it beyond the end of next season.

After 26 matches, when each team will have played each other twice, the league splits into two. If we don’t make the cut, we’ll find ourselves in a mini-league with other teams in the bottom eight. All our good work to date could be undone.

I can’t afford to take risks. Without further ado I sign on the dotted.

I phone my wife to suggest it’s time to come out to join me here. Then I ask Seb Rozental, my Assistant Manager, if he was up for sharing a bottle of Israeli’s finest at the bar around the corner.

Mikveh wine cellars, drunk dry by Rozental. Photo kindly made available under Creative Commons licence by Deror Avi https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mikveh_Israel_wine_cellars_P1180296.JPG